Quick Start

Get started with Package Garage, the private package mangement platform for your private dart and flutter packages. Package Garage offers private, centralized, secured and simplied package management for your internal dart/flutter fleet. It's private SAAS repository enginnered to help you manage your fleet without leaving your IDEs.

Before continuing with this tutorial, please sign up for Package Garage. It's completely free to get started with Package Garage.
Sign Up. It's Free

API Token

Generate API Token

After you have signed up for the package garage, you will be required to generate the API token. API token are use to authenticate you for all the communications done with package garage over the Rest API.

To generate the API token,

  1. Navigate to Organisation Team Your Staff Account
  2. Under details tab, in API Token section. Click on Add API Token
  3. This will generate the API Token. Please save this token as it's the only time you will see this token. This token is not saved on Package Garage.

Add API Token To Dart CLI on Your Local Machine

After generating the token using Generate API token, open your terminal and execute following commands.

$dart pub token add https://api.packagegarage.com/v1/dart
Click to copy

You will be prompted to enter your token. Enter your token.

๐ŸŽ‰ Congrats your have successfully added your Package Garage API Token to your local machine.

Publish Your Private Package To Package Garage

Update publish_to on pubspec.yaml of package

  1. Navigate to your package folder on your machine.
  2. Open the pubspec.yaml of your package.
  3. Edit the publish_to property to point to https://api.packagegarage.com/v1/dart. Save the file
  4. Using the terminal publish this package. To publish package, execute the following command
$dart pub publish
Click to copy
๐ŸŽ‰ Congrats your have successfully publish your package to your private repository.